PS 135Q, Flood Elimination & Exterior Masonry

PS 135Q, Flood Elimination & Exterior Masonry Repair, Queens, New York

A $11 million renovation to PS 135, The Bellaire School, in Queens, addressed flood elimination and exterior concerns encompassing the entire façade. Exterior masonry upgrades included brick repointing and restitching, new control joints, window guards and parapet walls. A roof replacement and asbestos abatement were also completed as part of the scope.

Repairing the entire façade was an intricate project, as the building was originally constructed in 1929, and like many of New York City’s public schools, required preserving architectural details through detailed construction documents and working closely with contractors throughout construction.

DMR completed the project as part of a contract for Capital Improvement Projects through the New York City School Construction Authority. Completion of this project called upon DMR’s expertise in working in aging school facilities and anticipating related challenges that might manifest themselves during construction, as well as adherence to strict code compliance, budget and schedule.