PS 226X, Exterior Masonry & Playground

PS 226X, Exterior Masonry & Playground, Bronx, New York

Water infiltration caused damage to many exterior elements of PS 226X in the Bronx, including bricks and soffits, as well as entrance canopies, pergolas and the roof underneath a rooftop playground.

DMR was called upon to design a $6 million exterior upgrade to complete the extensive repairs needed to the defective masonry, a process which began with a detailed field report that identified hundreds of areas of deficiencies. DMR then completed the construction documents for the needed brick repointing and restitching, new entrance steps, replacement of eight entrance canopies and roof replacement, including the roof beneath the playground, to repair all areas of damage. Asbestos abatement was also completed.

DMR completed the project as part of a contract for Capital Improvement Projects through the New York City School Construction Authority. Completion of this project called about DMR’s expertise in working in aging school facilities and anticipating related challenges that might manifest themselves during construction, as well as adherence to strict code compliance, budget and schedule.